This might be a common reaction from folks who don't care about the details when it comes to making positive lifestyle changes. But, for us wellness science buffs like chiropractors and naturopathic doctors, we are excited to hear the latest research about lifestyle changes improving genetic health.
Want to impact 500 genes? Eat a more natural diet and exercise more. This Reuters report comments on a study of 30 men who changed their habits.
What I find especially interesting is that these volunteers had prostate cancer but chose to forgo the usual cancer treatments. This gave researchers a chance to study untreated cancer.
There are many people who decline radiation and chemotherapy but we don't hear about them because mainstream cancer treatments get the attention. And, it's unethical to prevent people from getting treatment just to study them. This particular group gave researchers a great opportunity to study their before and after biopsies.
I've written about Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and Dr. John McDougall. They have cleared out clogged arteries without bypass surgery. That's a big money saver without the risk of dying during surgery. While I do not advocate a total vegetarian diet, especially with using soy as a protein replacement, the lifestyle changes they promote are monumental to better health. READ HERE
While all the scientific lingo may not be interesting you my readers, there are obvious benefits to adopting better habits.
More energy
Better sleep
Weight Loss
Better skin and hair
Stronger muscles
Better balance
Improved cognition
Better digestion
Less disease risk, especially for metabolic syndrome
... and more...
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